Climbing Safety rules and commitment

Timna Park Climbing Safety Guidelines

Timna Park’s climbing routes receive official endorsement and support from the Israel Climbers’ Association, with regular inspections and maintenance to ensure their integrity. 

To safeguard your experience as well as that of fellow climbers, it’s crucial to heed the advice of Rangers and Park Staff. Follow all posted signs diligently and observe the established safety protocols. 

As you prepare to scale the heights at Timna Park, please familiarize yourself with the following safety guidelines, designed to ensure a safe and enjoyable climbing experience for you and those who follow.

Safety Rules for Climbing in the Park

Climbing is permitted for those who have undergone professional training in climbing and safety, and any climbing activity is the sole responsibility of the climber.

– Climbing is permitted on clearly marked routes only, approved by the Israel Climbers’ Club  Association.

– Access to climbing areas is permitted via designated trails only. Deviating from these trails or creating new access paths is strictly prohibited.

– Extra precaution is required on the soft sandstone.

– Traditional ‘Trad’ climbing styles are strictly prohibited. Lead climbing is only permitted in a sportive style using existing bolts for safety.

– All climbers must use standard climbing equipment appropriate for the type of activity.

– Helmets are mandatory for both climbers and safety instructors (spotters) during climbing and at the base of the cliffs.

-Spotting is required during all bouldering activities (in permitted areas only) and all climbers must equip themselves with crashpads. 

– Climbing during rain/storms is strictly forbidden. Avoid climbing activities for at least 48 hours following rainfall.

– It’s mandatory to carry a sufficient amount of water (at least 3 liters per person).

– Use red magnesium only (available for purchase at the Visitor Center) to prevent defacing rocks and cliffs.

– Do not leave climbing gear – crashpads, runners, or any other equipment – in the area.

– Climbing sites are open during daylight hours only. Any stay outside these hours requires prior Park Management approval.

– Entrance to climbing sites during private events is strictly prohibited.

– Open fires are prohibited (fires and picnics are allowed in the designated area, near the Lake only).

– Overnight stays near climbing sites are strictly prohibited (overnight stays are permitted in designated areas within the Lake complex).

– Parking in the climbing area is allowed in the designated parking zone located in proximity to Solomon’s Pillars only car access to all climbing site areas is strictly prohibited.

– Please keep the Park clean. Collect any garbage and dispose of it appropriately in designated facilities or take it with you.

– Your safety during your visit and the use of facilities is your responsibility. The Park and/or anyone on its behalf shall not be held liable for any injuries or damages incurred by climbers and/or any third parties. Do not risk your safety or that of others.

– Should you encounter any hazards along the climbing routes or on the way to them, report them to Park Management without delay.


Embrace the adventure at Timna Park, but remember, safety comes first!


Just before you arrive, please read the instructions and sign the statement.

Dear Climbers,

Welcome to Timna Park – the only sandstone climbing site in Israel!

Timna Park annually hosts approximately 150,000 visitors who come to enjoy the Park’s enchanting and unique nature. Cliff climbing is considered an integral part of the variety of activities we offer our visitors, and we are delighted that you have chosen to participate in this activity here.

The following rules that will help you and us maintain the Park and ensure a safe and enjoyable visit for everyone. Please read carefully and sign at the bottom of the page.

Climbers’ Letter of Commitment

The Park’s climbing routes were opened with the approval and sponsorship of the Israel Climbers’ Club Association (hereinafter: the’ Association’), by those certified on behalf of the Association and all routes are inspected and maintained by them on a regular basis.

  • I hereby declare that I wish to participate in a climbing activity at Timna Park (hereinafter: the ‘Activity’ and the ‘Park’) and therefore agree and confirm as follows:
  • I acknowledge that the Activity is only permitted for climbers with professional climbing and safety training.
  • I hereby declare that I am skilled and qualified in climbing and safety and that I am healthy and qualified for intense sports activities and I do not know of any limitation and / or physical and health prevention that may impair my ability to perform the Activity.
  • I am fully aware of the risks that may occur during the Activity and, despite acknowledging such risks, I voluntarily choose to participate in the Activity.
  • I acknowledge that the Activity is my sole responsibility, and hereby accept full responsibility for any damage that may be caused to me and / or any third party during the Activity in the Park and that no one will be held liable for any injury and damage caused to me and / or any third party and no one will be held responsible for an accident or injury of any kind as a result of performing the Activity in the Park.
  • I acknowledge that prior to the Activity there is an obligation to review the Association’s ‘Climbing Routes Book’ and realize that such Activity in the Park is only permitted on prominent and approved climbing routes, in accordance with the Association’s regulations. I am fully aware that it is strictly forbidden to climb routes that do not appear in the book.
  • I acknowledge that access to the climbing areas is via marked trails only and that one should not deviate from the marked trails and should not open new access roads.
  • I acknowledge that due to the unique nature of Timna’s soft sandstone rock, traditional “Trad” climbing using natural anchor fixings and placements, is strictly forbidden in the Park! Lead climbing is only permitted in sporting style (on prominently marked routes), and for security purposes, by using existing bolts only.
  • I acknowledge that for the purpose of climbing, only standard climbing equipment suitable for the type of Activity should be used.
  • I acknowledge that a helmet must be worn (by all climbers & safety instructors (spotters) during all climbing activities and while staying near the cliffs.
  • I acknowledge that spotting is required during bouldering activities and all climbers must equip themselves with crashpads
  • I acknowledge that after rainfall, sandstone absorbs water, making it soft and weak for climbing. For safety precautions, climbing during rainy weather or floods is strictly forbidden and should be avoided for 48 hours following significant rainfall.
  • I acknowledge that it is absolutely forbidden to deface the rocks and the positions of natural grips along the routes in any way!  Also, the use of an iron brush to clean the grips is prohibited!
  • I acknowledge that sandstone is soft and requires caution.
  • I am fully aware of the obligation to equip myself with a sufficient amount of water (at least 3 liters of water per person) and that the only water station is located near the Lake.
  • I acknowledge that climbing Activities are forbidden during dusk and at night and when visibility is low.
  • I undertake not to leave any climbing equipment in the area – crashpads, runners or any other equipment.
  • I acknowledge that lighting fires in the areas of the climbing sites is forbidden (campfires and picnics are only permitted at the dedicated area near the Lake).
  • I am fully aware that overnight camping in the areas of climbing sites is prohibited. (Accommodation is only permitted is designated accommodation complexes, near the Lake).

The Association in cooperation with Timna Park Management invests great resources order to promote a safe, high standard and enjoyable climbing environment.

We view climbers as valued, desirable ambassadors and ask that you help us maintain the Park’s cleanness and adhere to Park rules and code of conduct.

Should you encounter any hazards along the climbing routes or on the way to them, be sure to report these details to the Park management, without delay.

I hereby declare that I have read and fully understood all of the above rules and regulations and sign this letter of commitment of my own free will.

* Your signature is a permit from the Israeli Climbing Club Association to climb in Timna Park.

Timna Park Management and the Israeli Climbing Club Association wish you safe and enjoyable climbing and hope to see you again in the future!

This signature constitutes permission from the Israeli Climbing Club to climb in Timna Park.
The management of Timna Park and the Israeli Climbing Club wish you safe and enjoyable climbing, and hope to see you again in the future!